Η διαδικασία του formal debate στην Camarilla.
Personal Debate
The base target number to defeat a participant in Personal
Debate is calculated as follows: the participant’s
highest Status rating + Intelligence or Presence rating
(whichever is higher).
Philosophical Debate
The base target number to defeat a participant in
Philosophical Debate is calculated as follows: 10 + the
participant’s highest Status rating + Wits or Manipulation
rating (whichever is higher).
Procedural Debate
The base target number to defeat a participant in Procedural
Debate is the participant’s highest Status rating
+ Intelligence or Manipulation (whichever is higher).
(Στέλιος: Το μετέφερα στα Mechanics. Όποιος έχει χρόνο και θέλει να κάνει μια σύνοψη/copy paste από το βιβλίο της Ρώμης, ελεύθερα. Ας το εμπλουτίσουμε για να το παίζουμε και πιο αναλυτικά!)